Behind every ICON Here?
Green Housing & Energy Solutions!
Proven & Patented Solutions!
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"- Gladiator
"Industries emerge and fortunes are made, when knowledge and social standards change."
The DOE states; "We are impressed..." you are, "..concurrently promote (ing)
Energy, Environment, and Economics - - the three E's." Jack Siegel, Fossil Fuels Dir- US DOE.
That was over 20 years ago. Since then we have expanded our experience and technology base to include, what most "experienced" experts agree to be the "Best Available Technologies" (BAT).
Based on the despicable events of today (EVERYDAY!), we are contacting every individual woman Democratic Candidate running for office to explain HOW we WILL help them get ELECTED! Read on! This Website was constructed FOR the 2018 Election.
2020 AirCrete America Corp Website next week!
Our Dutch Technology Partners,
www.AirCrete.Com We are building 7 new AirCrete Plants in America. PACE Financing Approved.
"The ONLY source of KNOWLEDGE is EXPERIENCE!" - Einstein
Affordable, Energy-Smart, Fireproof, Earthquake Resistant, Soundproof, H2O Resistant, Rodent & Pest Resistant, Lightweight, Recyclable. The "i home" - Designed by the owner, on their computer. In 3-d. With our help. Pre-Fab WOW-Crete. I built my first Pre-Fab 4 bedroom house, at 16. Pre-Fab in-60's, was more "parts & nails!" Now? This 2018 Pre-Fab "i-home," takes five women and a Crane six days to build a two story WOW-Crete home! Watch the WOW-Crete video! Our Architects, Dewberry, are National experts! They have designed every type building imaginable! City Buildings, High Risers, Hotels, Apartments, Single Family Homes, Studios, Barns, Datacenter Fireproof Bldgs.! Anything! EASY! ASK!

Asset Backed Security? Simply put, the revenue stream produced by the HVAC energy savings is significant enough that it can support the interest payments on a Green City IRB or Project CLIMATE BOND. The Energy Efficiency Credits (EEc's) or Carbon Credits earned from the CO2 reduction, when aggregated by us, amount to enough revenue to pay off the Green Climate Bonds, as calculated. Obviously, the bigger the electric bill, the larger the savings. The larger the Bond. Simple. EASY! ASK!

Local InfrAstructure

Every City MUST have its own Mobile Concrete Batch Plant! SEA WALLS! Bike Paths, everywhere! Walkways! ALL made with Green Re-Concrete! Patented high-PSI, recycled mix! We made many different versions of Rapid Set Concrete and even Soil Amendments. Lawn-in-a-Bag, etc. We also invented Water-Smart. Read the World of Concrete Bulletin below. Simple. ASK! "All infrastructure is LOCAL!" Green Jobs! Jobs! There's more!